Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Common Errors

• Missing the catch
This refers to pullback being activated before the catch is “locked”, thereby reducing the effective power in the first half of the stroke. If you are using good technique there will be heavy feel on blade for whole time blade is in water (from catch to exit).

• No or minimal rotation
Some people crouch forward with a bent back, and assume this is rotation. Think of having a rod up your back, and you are rotating around the rod.

• Bent bottom arm
• Top hand stays forward or drops toward gunwale
If either of these happens, and the bottom arm is pulling back, then the blade must go out of 90 dgrees, and into 45 degrees or worse, thereby losing most of your forward power. Putting water into the boat or lots into the air is an indicator of this.

• Poor timing
We not only need to enter the water together but also exit together. If you have a short stroke you will tend to exit early, which increases the chance of “pushing” (rating too high). People at back of boat especially need to be careful as it is “softer” water. They need to especially concentrate on reach and digging blade deep in water.

• “Dragging” the exit
This refers to a paddler taking pressure off the blade half way through the stroke. The paddler therefore starts to move forward through the water, instead of backwards, it creates drag rather than forward momentum. A lot of water is seen splashing behind the paddle.

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